Friday, May 31, 2013

What you missed while I was being a lazy blogger.

Notice I said lazy blogger, definitely not a lazy momma, wife, or dieter. We have been busy beavers in this household. My little man turned 5! My daughter had her dance recital. We got through Mother's Day/Party for the little guy (almost without me killing anyone). My hubs finished our amazing tree house.
All in all a good month.
Pretty Ballerina
Birthday Man
It matches our house. So cute you wanna puke right?
The dog and cat were not allowed to party. I think they were jealous.

I have been attempting to eat cleaner. I have removed as much processed food from my diet as I can tolerate (baby steps). I snack a lot of carrots and hummus here of late. I found this gem at Trader Joes... 
OH MY GRAVY! Buy this if you can. Yumm-O. I tell you what. Clean eating has made a huge difference for me. The weight is not going down as quickly as I would like, but I am not bloated, and my stomach is pretty flat for having carried two children. I also drink water like a fish which means I pee 900,000 million times a day. I do have bad moments. Like when my hubby figures out how cheap cake mix is, and wonders why I don't just make cakes all the time. Then I eat like 4 cupcakes in a week. Yeah, there are times like that.

Up next on the old bloggeroo... Little man's Cardinal's party.

It is Official...

I am a terrible blogger. I am not going to promise to do better, but dang it I am going to try. Get ready for more of me (I hope).  :/

Judge Joe Brown

Justin hates what I named this dish, but I couldn't help myself.  Briana and I took a vote and two against one, Judge Joe Brown won. It...