Monday, April 3, 2017

What We Did... volunteering is hard.

Our weekend started out with a rare occurrence... no alarm clock. This is such a blessing. We awoke to the sun and Peyton stirring in her room.  It, for us, was a pretty laid back weekend.  It's nice to stop and breathe for a day or two.
I started planning my garden for the season.  I will share more on that at another time. I'm kind of a dud when it comes to planting. It's all about knowing my limitations.

These photos were taken by his leader.
I didn't have my camera on me. 
Saturday we attended a service project for Funston's Cub Scout Troop. They volunteered to tear out all of the over grown mess in the "butterfly garden". It required three chainsaws. Funston busted butt. The little guy really has a giving heart. It doesn't hurt that he can make anything into a game, either.

Try either of these cookie recipes. We have given them both a thumbs up! I have two MUST DOS when making chocolate chip cookies. These are two alterations I do to any and all of my chocolate chip cookie recipes. You end up with the perfect chewy cookie.

1. Use 1/2 butter and 1/2 butter flavored Crisco.
2. Double the vanilla.

Obviously, I also substituted Reese's Pieces for chocolate chips. They turned out pretty good.

Ghirardelli Chocolate Chip Cookies
5 Ingredient Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

We saw Boss Baby. You can wait until Redbox, 

Justin started Funston out on our smaller four wheeler. He did really well. Justin thinks he is ready to take it out next time we go. I don't know if this momma is ready. It is pretty nerve wracking. I got over it with Briana, and I am sure it will be the same with Little Man. It is hard to see them get so big. 
Until the next time I catch you up on what we did... 

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Judge Joe Brown

Justin hates what I named this dish, but I couldn't help myself.  Briana and I took a vote and two against one, Judge Joe Brown won. It...