Let's start from the beginning- when all the action happened... WARNING- a little graphic (bloody mess graphic)
Friday, we decide to go to the car show that happens the first Friday of every summer month at the local mega church. We get there, and no car show. Church event. So we decide to drive across the new Fenton Bridge to look at all the flood water. We pull up to a stop light, and a kid flies across the intersection on a crotch rocket. He is going incredibly fast. He loses control, hits a curb and flips. No joke. RIGHT in front of us, and our now completely terrified children. Us and one other vehicle see this happen. I hang up on my sister in law (we were making plans to get the kids together since the car show was cancelled) and call 9-1-1. We pull up on the bike fully expecting a dead kid. Only, no kid, at all. Hubs looks up a side street, and there he is running. My guy follows him, quickly, the kid stops as his injuries are catching up to him. He is bleeding, a steady flow running from his wrist. He looks unsteady. Hubs gets out to see if he is okay, and tells him to wrap his arm (He swears he saw bone chips and "meat" hanging out... EW!!). Meanwhile... 9-1-1 has now transferred me, TWICE!! If he had been in worse shape, yikes. I am not doing first aid on this kid, I would puke. It was gross. I jumped in the driver seat and drove the kiddos further up the road, put on Despicable Me, and stood in front of the window they could see the guy through. I was the gore body guard. A cop shows up right away. Apparently, she had flashed her lights at him, and he had taken off on her. The moron was running from the cops. Going over 50 miles per hour (in a 30)! His bike flew head over tail about 100 feet before it landed. She gave her a little reaming, another cop called him something I won't repeat. They were mad. Come to find out before the cops arrived Hubs had lectured him as well. Ambulance showed up, Hubs made a statement and we went home.
In comparison, while the rest of the weekend was incredibly busy, it was much more tame. Our kiddos play t-ball/softball for the local Y. They each had their first practices at the same place 4 hours apart. We went to Six Flags. Passed out. That was Saturday. Sunday was church and not much but catching up on some laundry. Which was nice.
This week, I have been working hard. My boss is on vacation, and I am trying to man the ship, so to speak.
OH and here is a little nugget of gold. Hubs was listening to the radio while washing my vehicle, and heard a song he has heard, we all have heard, a majillion times on the radio, "You're so Vain". He comes in, and swears he heard Mick Jagger singing back ground vocals. Pretty distinctive voice. Got out good ol' Google, and sure enough, he did. Crazy. Here it for yourself. If this is some common knowledge thing, we will feel like goons, but we have decided to play "Where's Mick" while listening to the radio. He may have been hiding in every song for all we know.
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