149. Now, I didn't eat very well this weekend. Saturday we had some friends over and I stuffed my face. It was a food party. Cake, caramel corn, chips and salsa. All delicious!! Hey, I had diet soda... I deserve the pound and accept it whole heartedly.The thing I am frustrated about is my knee. I have a knee injury. Not sure what it is. My knee will spordically swell and inflame and hurt and be sore and weak and stupid. I did NOTHING Sunday to hurt it or cause it flare up. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the pain. It frustrates me not only because it is an injury that I am eventually going to have to do something about, like see a doctor that will more than likely throw out the surgery word, but it makes it hard to work out with any consistency. As soon as I am getting into a routine my knee will flare up and I will have to stop exercising. Sometimes for as little as 3 days, but sometimes as much as a week.
This seems to be the block that is keeping me from my goal weight. I am in the home stretch and the last few pounds are the hardest to lose. I am at a point that diet alone won't cut it. I need the physical activity.
Ugh, vent over.
This week my goal is to watch my fat intake. I have noticed that my calories are always right on course, but I go a little higher on my fat intake than I would like to. I am hoping that will kick start a couple pound weight loss if I am unable to exercise this week. I am also going to look into some doctors to talk about my knee, so say a prayer for me.
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