I did a pretty good job of tracking my calories, I hit the 1200-1300 mark most days. I have a really bad problem with under eating. I am a calorie hoarder because I don't want to run out, and then it is 9 pm. I realize while entering my dinner that I am 200-300 calories short on my goal. I usually try to reach for an apple and peanut butter. It is such a satisfying snack. I do this even if I am not hungry. I have been reading about starvation mode, which is a thing a lot of dieters go through. Basically your body thinks you are starving and slows down your metabolism. This slowdown does not allow for weight loss. In order to stay away from this, a person should consume at least 1200 calories a day, and more on days when very active.
I also have to get used to judging good vs. bad again. We went to Taco Bell for lunch yesterday. I should have stuck with my gut and gone with a fresco style chicken soft taco, but the new Cantina Bowl looked so good. It looked deceiving.
I got home and tracked my lunch... 560 calories and 22 grams of fat later... my homemade spaghetti sauce and garlic bread dinner was going to have to be modified a bit. I didn't do too bad. I had 1600 calories for the day. I did a little manual labor working on my Honey's new baby (post on that to come soon).
Well wish me luck as I do better this week, and hopefully see a 4 on my scale in the 10's column next Monday.
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